Our consultancy skill is in helping schools, particularly primary and intermediate schools, come to terms with and deliver, the science curriculum through school wide planning, teacher professional learning development, classroom techniques and resourcing (internal and external). We can also set in place the logistics to make all this happen.
We offer a strong hands-on service where the Nature of Science strand and the Foundational Science Capabilities are strongly emphasised. We provide contextual content assistance where good science is emphasised, with particular attention to: observation; inference and fair testing; science assessment; whole school programme progressions including working with Board of Trustees; access to professional network(s); approaches to community science; the 5E’s (constructivist) instructional model; practical methods, skills and processes in science teaching; ‘best practice’ learning theory modelling; strategies for foregrounding science capabilities; practical ways of resourcing science; and, unit planning strategies.
We set out to create ‘science champions’ within schools. These are individuals or groups, who with renewed confidence and support, make a difference in their schools. This confidence is predicated on: robust strategies for approaching science lessons; an array of hands-on investigations and extensions; teacher networks; how/where to find ‘stuff’; strategies for engaging students; how to create a climate of curiosity and inquiry; and, how to facilitate more student lead investigations.
We are a registered provider of specialised human resource services to Government Agencies