Outreach Services

The Roadshow is primarily a one-stop shop Outreach Specialist with a focus on educating and raising awareness. In essence we create and take experiential messages and experiences into communities or to specifically identified audiences through physical presence.

Why outreach?

Taking messages by way of an interactive experience into communities is an effective way of raising awareness about any subject matter. We have significant experiences in engaging with, and delivering to, identified audiences in cost effective ways. We have over 28 years of outreach experience, delivering content in sport, product training, science, bio-technology, agriculture, innovation, information and communication technology, art and more.

Experiential design

The Roadshow works with a team of experts to design and develop content and any fit outs. We have resources and nationwide contacts along with a wealth of experience in project development and management, logistics and delivery. And we have well satisfied clients and partners.

Methods of delivery

  • Transporting content into a venue, such as a school hall, community centre, library, museum, shopping mall....
  • Utilising one of our “venues on wheels.” This not only transports content but expands to become its own self contained 78sqm venue in almost any location such as at A&P Shows, beaches, mall car parks, sport fixtures, church gatherings.... [NB the “venue on wheels” and the installed content are separate allowing dynamic and versatile layouts to be created].
  • Innovative messaging, stories and experiences to schools (both students and teachers) and their communities through our extensive national reach and annual presence.

Strategy for Outreach

At the heart of the success of any outreach (or Roadshow) is community:

  • A ‘feel good’ factor is generated by the fact that a Roadshow is coming into town.
  • Roadshows generate considerable local publicity and media coverage as it is something that is not part of the normal landscape.
  • Roadshows provide an opportunity for many people from all sectors of the community to visit something different — because it is there. But you must be accessible — where/when.
  • Support for Roadshow experiences are normally high because of the comparatively short nature of the visit — generates an urgency to attend.

Venues on Wheels

We call them UPVs (Ultimate Promotional Vehicles). UPVs are large, mobile display (exhibition) or open plan administration/service spaces, that also provide transportation solutions to multiple sites. They achieve a consistent quality of presentation and layout with typical set up/pack down times of under two hours with one operator.


Contact us for more information

  • Consultancy Services
  • Consultancy Services